





Table top magic requires no secret formula.Even the simplest meal will be received with enthusiasm if the table accessories are creative and colorful.No matter what type of dinnerware you own,you can enhance its beauty with a variety of attractive table linens.

When selecting a supply of tablecloths,place mats and napkins,choose easy—care or permanent—press fabrics because these fabrics will reduce your workload when washday rolls around.Another consideration is the suitability of your linens for your dining style or the types of entertaining you do.The shape of your table will also dictate the kind of tablecloth you purchase.Circular or rounded tables look best covered with round or oval tablecloths.Square—cornered tables require squares or rectangles.

Finally,your table linens should complement your dinnerware.An elegant table setting requires an elegant tablecloth.A setting of stoneware looks best with heavy of colorful fabrics.

But sure to take all the necessary measurements before you start shopping for fabric of your choice.It could be embarrassing if your tablecloths are not long enough to cover the tables.It is equally distressing if your tablecloth is so long that your guests have to watch where they walk.

1[1单选题]Linens should complement your dinnerware.The underlined word means______.

A.be the same color as

B.hide defects in

C.go well with

D.serve as a contrast to

2[1单选题]Tile author suggests that you purchase table linens made of______.

A.bleacsafe fabric

B.preshrunk cloth

C.easy—care material

D.stain—resistant cotton

3[1单选题]Which size tablecloth would you buy for a circular table which is 30 inches high and 45 inches in diameter?

A.45-inch round

B.50-inch round

C.70-inch round

D.120-inch round

4[1单选题]From this passage,we can conclude that table top______.

A.is important for meal service

B.is a magic

C.should be colorful

D.should be made only by certain material



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